Our little yoga training to the feet of Hippocrates

Our little yoga training to the feet of Hippocrates

By chance we found ourselves in the birthplace of Hippocrates

This is Kefalos, the birthplace of Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine

The venue served its purpose

I must say, this was one of the most wonderful settings to have a teacher training, and it was emphasizing on therapeutic benefits in yoga. It took place in KEFALOS on Kos island Greece, the birthplace of Hippocrates.


View from our bedrooms

This was during the months of April and May. No tourists yet. So peaceful.

To know what (hu)man is

Picture was taken in the museum next to the Asklepion. Reminds me of my blogpost about 'What we are here for'.

Airs, Waters and Places

Part of the training was a visit to the Asklepion, an ancient sanctuary that served as a hospital nearly 2,500 years ago.

Here, Hippocrates cured people from diseases, systemized medicine and taught others the art of healing. He advised traveling physicians ‘to consider the seasons of the year’, and went on how health is effected by ‘the winds, the hot and the cold’, talked about the’ qualities of the waters’ and how important each city’s unique setting in the landscape was.

Our tour guide told us that waters of a spring used to run under the altars where spiritual ceremonies were held. This took  place on the upper, third terrace of the Asklepion, then continued its way down to the second and the first terrace, and then into the town of Kos. Like this, the entire clinic as well as Kos town could derive benefit of the ‘charged’ and sacred waters.

Us standing on the second terrace

This pic is taken from the upper terrace. You can see Kos town and even the mainland of Turkey in the back

Quotes by Hippocrates you might know

‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’

‘Walking is man’s best medicine’

‘First no harm’

‘Natural forces within us are the true healers of a disease’

‘The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different’

‘It is important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has’


Enjoying Hippocrates village after class

The picture speaks for itself 🙂

I wanted to share this with you…these days on Kos were remarkable and are unforgettable.

But really remarkable and unforgettable is the profound wisdom of ancient teachings. Time, place and language differ, but the message stays the same.